North Luzon Monitor

North Luzon

Doing my laundry

Leslie Dulfo
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I think that this may seem to be an unabashed statement but Religion is not faith and faith is grounded on how you help people and has no intention of hurting others — well, primarily. Although this is an ideal thought and might cause you your overall mental health too without the boundaries practiced.

I said I wasn’t going to talk about religion but then maybe it is animated or inanimate as always, especially now. Considering too that mental health is a complete couple of things more.

Doing my laundry is sort of a thing I can’t do well (including a myriad of homey things). But when I’m A-okay, it’s one of the things I turn to. It’s one I deem to practice now whatever the circumstance is.

It just so happens that I was invited (maybe that’s the right word for it) to be a Christian and other religions many times in my life as well as in many political sects and beliefs. I realized now that whatever I went through and whatever I will be going through, will make and let me remain a Roman Catholic because it has given me my own peace.

There were times in my life when I wasn’t really well. I would walk from our barangay chapel then stop at Cathedral for a prayer and end for another prayer at Pink Sisters Convent. It was the same routine that has given me peace many times.

In one of my recent fits, I broke down crying from a hotel while walking to Pink Sisters Convent to find peace. The same peace that I wanted considering I still do believe that nun’s have the innermost peace (and considering I grew up in a nun’s school with none men)! I even get asked, “why did you not get to be a nun?”  Beats me!

Well, I’m still doing my laundry now. But let me tell you of my friend who was an atheist and before his death did tell me “God bless you, Leslie”. So maybe, he is in a better life and place now. Maybe, he is at peace.

You see, whatever happens doing my laundry is a necessity unless you’re that Richie Rich kid we had way back or the Princess Sarah we used to love at a time that used to be us. If you’re missing these points and challenges, maybe go figure!

Faith is pretty much the same, it is a necessity or not depending on you. But whatever your choice is, let it guide you to helping people and intending what is good no matter how ugly things can be.

Jackpot! Finished my last laundry load while almost finishing this column that fast! Hugs to everyone who’s doing the laundry and folding the clothes too. May the household chores and errands you have, give you the same peace you deserve too.

Whatever works… definitely works!

Whatever happens… definitely happens!

Que sera sera…

Yet in all, choose yourself, your mental health and your mental peace!

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