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North Luzon

What you need to know about freelance writing but were afraid to ask (Part 1 of 2)

So, you want to be a freelance writer? 

Before you go all in, let’s talk honestly about what it takes to make it as a freelance writer. Spoiler alert: it’s not all sipping coffee in trendy cafes while typing away on your laptop. It’s much more than that. 

  1. Know Thyself: Are You a Wordsmith in the Making?

First things first, let’s talk about your skills and passions. Do you have a knack for spinning tales or explaining complex ideas in simple terms? Awesome! But even if you don’t have a fancy degree in English Lit or Mass Communication, that’s okay. What matters most is your love for writing and your ability to connect with readers

Have your friends or family ever tell you how engaging you are when you write about something? Or has someone ever commented on how they were struck by something you wrote and shared on social media? Instances like these usually spark your interest to keep on writing.

It also follows that you have topics and themes you love writing about, which are more often than not, your passions. It can be something simple like your family, your hobbies, what you love doing, or something complex like advocating for gender equality. No question telling stories and writing is in your blood.

  1. Show Off Your Skills: Build That Portfolio!

Want to impress potential clients? Start by building a killer portfolio. Whip up some sample pieces that showcase your writing chops and highlight your niche expertise. And don’t be afraid to get your work out there – be it through your own blog and social media pages. Or through guest blogging if you get a chance. 

It also helps that you keep digital copies of your work, even ones that you have not published. Your portfolio should reflect the range of topics you can comfortably write about. Remember, anything that has your byline is worth keeping, no matter how old it is. You never know if this collection will lead to your first book.

  1. Keep Learning and Growing:

The writing journey never stops, my friend. Take advantage of online courses, workshops, and networking events to hone your craft and stay ahead of the game. Resources can be easily found with a few keystrokes.

And don’t forget to surround yourself with fellow writers who can offer support and feedback along the way. Groups such as the Freelance Writers’ Guild of the Philippines are a good way to meet fellow freelance writers and learn tips, tricks and many more from each other. 

  1. Be a Master of the Language: Write and Read Like There’s No Tomorrow

Now, let’s talk about the bread and butter of freelance writing: language. Having a solid command of the language is non-negotiable. Whether you’re a grammar guru or still figuring out the difference between “its” and “it’s” (hey, we’ve all been there), continuous improvement is key.

Write, Write, Write: The more you write, the better you’ll get. It’s as simple as that. So, flex those fingers and start typing. Whether it’s a blog post, a short story, or even just a journal entry, every word counts.

Read, Read, Read: But it’s not just about writing – reading is just as important. Dive into books, articles, and blogs in your niche (and beyond) to expand your horizons, pick up new ideas, and hone your writing style. Plus, it’s a great excuse to curl up with a good book and call it “research.”

Interested to learn more? Watch out for Part 2 of What You Need to Know about Freelance Writing But Were Afraid to Ask.  

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