North Luzon Monitor

North Luzon

Sunflowers in November

Sunflowers in November, bright and rare

What can you remember besides my long, brown hair?

For the chill and silence of the garden

The striking morning dew and golden stars

Remind me of everything about you

Sunflowers in November, sharp and brief

What can you remember, my heart’s thief?

For the warmth and smell of coffee

The ceramic’s honesty against my skin

Reminds me of everything about you

Sunflowers in November, passive and bold

What can you remember about memories they hold?

For the trickling seconds of the grandfather clock

The tireless moonlight and stars above the roof

Reminds me of everything about you

Sunflowers in November, can’t you stay?

What can you remember from the past’s unfair play?

For the coming seasons seem abrupt

The absence of wine glasses clink or noises in the kitchen sink

Reminds me of everything about you

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