North Luzon Monitor

North Luzon

Language, Creativity and Artificial Intelligence

Writing has been “easier” through the developments of Artificial Intelligence. However, it comes at the cost of creativity, originality and authenticity. Sure, we may argue that it does indeed assist us in our dealings with writing. It is convenient, fast and articulate, like a human being.  Hence, the possibilities are endless when it comes to Artificial Intelligence. Unfortunately, the use of Artificial Intelligence when it comes to writing fundamentally hinders our creativity. For example, the extensive use of grammar correcting software that utilize Artificial Intelligence to discern grammar correctness diminishes a person’s writing style. Thus, having to adhere to the strict, static and prioritization of grammar results in a standard form of writing. That is not a great way to experience language.

It is known that knowledge and creativity correlates with each other. Our language defines our identity, and our identity portrays the beauty of our cultures. Likewise, we may also say that we are also a product of our ancestors’ creativity. Language is also a way to experience the world. So why do we allow artificial intelligence to experience what we’re supposed to experience? Of course, there are reasons why some of us result in using Artificial Intelligence, and these include: Laziness, lack of time and even the lack of resources. Another reason would be the use of Artificial Intelligence as a source of inspiration rather than creating content ourselves. Hence, it should be discussed the lengths of Artificial Intelligence and its application to writing. It is useful as a tool for helping basic structure and looking for ideas. However, human intervention is mostly needed in order to create a more creative output.

With the recent announcement that the Philippines ranked second-lowest on creativity according to the Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa). We may need to reevaluate our methods in teaching. In a language setting, the knocking of A.I in our classrooms requires teachers to be sharper in catching students that use A.I in their outputs. Hence, in order to raise our creativity score for the next creativity assessment, there is a need for language teachers to reevaluate their pedagogies in teaching. It all starts in fostering creativity in the classroom. For example, in a conducive classroom, allow students to create their mistakes, not define themselves by their mistake. To foster creativity in language, it requires teachers to allow their students to explore the language, and allow them to garner a positive outlook. To create, and to explore the things that are considered unknown to them. However, it is important to prevent students from using artificial intelligence. They are here to master the language, not use a tool in order to gain a passing grade.

Artificial Intelligence is inevitable. The speed of its development is frightening. Some people use it to get things done as soon as possible at the cost of creativity. We should not be overly dependent on Artificial Intelligence when it comes to language and creativity. It is a tool, an assistance on what we are trying to accomplish. Nothing more. Exploiting Artificial is similar to exploiting ourselves and sacrificing our authenticity as humans. Let us be reminded that we humans should always be at the steering wheel for our own creations.

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