North Luzon Monitor

North Luzon

Crazy Terminologies

Leslie Dulfo
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I once wondered why they ever called people crazy or even lunatic at all? Maybe, the medical word is insane! However these words: crazy, lunatic or insane are confusingly bereft of actual meaning!

People can also call other people crazy, lunatic or insane positively, when they are amazed with people’s talents. Take for example, the comments you get on America’s Got Talent or Britain’s Got Talent with the UK slang and pronunciation of Simon Cowell. Even Steve Harvey’s Little Big Shots could consider using such crazy amazing words to denote children with so much talent during their toddler ages.

I remember Promil’s child wonder during my years (and perhaps your years too) who recently died due to illness. Although this is a sad fact, she did put on a legacy as an insanely (positively put) good and genius person who has taken artistic expressions in photography and films. That is something endearing to think of as we remember CJ de Silva. Remember the words, “the sun is the center of the solar system, moving around are the planets…”

Sometimes, words and meanings are irrelevant, unless you say them with much emotion or that added facial expression, bodily movements and pronunciation with a renowned intonation. Communication, especially verbally should be accompanied by other things which makes it all the more important. Good thing we have the written words bereft with emotions unless you put in a couple of exclamations!

I used to wonder, why “Luna” – a name to denote the moon evolved into the word lunatic. Accordingly, the moon, especially a full moon, is capable of increasing water levels specifically in cases of tides in the seas and oceans. It was the same lunatic word that said crazy people (put in negatively) were influenced by the moon or full moon.

How so? The human body is made of 70% water and as the water in the body rises because of the full moon phenomenon, so does lunacy apparently continue to spread. The same “Luna” was used in Filipino vampire and werewolf teleseryes and the moon had significant impacts in movies like Twilight. I know, you know this too!

In spelling bees, you are given a synonym of the words to be spelled because although two words may sound alike, they may denote different meanings or maybe even have different spelling as in cases of homonyms. A lot of times we have to clarify what is being said by the sender compared to what we think, say and how we react as receivers.

For a person with mental health struggle, usually the mind is faster than the words or even the actions accompanying it. It may also happen that in cases of disabilities the mind is too slow in processing or understanding. There are times when you want to cry, you end up laughing instead or maybe when you intend to laugh, you end crying – hopefully for reasons of tears of joy.

Anyway, communication is important a lot of times. It’s a must to express and be honest and not to be offensive too. It is better to be kind than to be right many times. I hope we choose to be kind and empathetic many times even if we’re also losing it. This is awfully hard especially with flaring tempers brought by hearing impairments experienced commonly by old age.

Yes, there are a lot of things to consider really but people are indeed fighting silent battles we know nothing about. Let’s lift each other up rather than bring in the scary closets the “maritesses” are talking about. Even the Olympics are not even spared. Maybe stardom has its disadvantages.

Wherever you are and whatever you are, let’s show some empathy, love and respect!

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