North Luzon Monitor

North Luzon

The Love Witch

Leslie Dulfo
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Hey, it’s the month of love – Valentine’s and no one is going to stop it – even the loveless? I know, it’s a time for blues for those who are mending their broken hearts but I guess love is like that – a happy and hurtful experience all the while. Nevertheless, love and relationships are not only romantic love.

I find that the greatest love – is the love for one’s self. Come February 13 just a day before the heart’s day is Self-love Day. It was destined to make known perhaps that before you can love others you have to love yourself first. I gather that you might think I am speaking this way because I intend to be a spinster of some sort and put a spell on you to make you single forever. Wait, I don’t have such powers and cruelty to do that and neither does anyone else.

I am also wondering why people find it awkward to see someone eating alone inside a restaurant or watching a movie on their own. There’s no shame in doing that since happiness and love is a personal perspective. Being alone is not unhappiness per se and is not tantamount to not being loved. But if you don’t agree, go ahead and make my day! Joking aside, love really is a personal perspective so let’s not be judgmental on things. Okay?

Love I think is a choice. A choice of two people irrespective of unfinished businesses and traumas in their childhood to be there for each other through thick and thin. It is a combined effort of two people ready to tango for the whirlwind and rollercoaster ride of emotions. There are no happy endings, really just a choice to be together happy or sad in an unending and living and loving realm.

To some people, Valentine’s is a triggering point of lost love, grief and pain. Everybody goes through that, but not everyone comes out alive and healed. I remember that heartbreaks are the ugliest feeling of self-pity, regrets and insecurities. But hey, life goes on and so does love.

In case you find yourself mending in a heartbreak, imagine yourself in a cave like Sagada. Do go spelunking and find that light somewhere to give you direction to get out of the cave. If not, just make the tour guide light your way out with that flashlight of his. Maybe, learn to bring your own flashlight, just in case.

You will realize that the journey was worthwhile despite the body pains and aches. That every pain was essential for you to get out of the dark. That there will always be a peeping light even if it’s just your flashlight or the tour guide’s flashlight. There is hope, light and love.

As for the lovers out there, paint the town red and cook for dinner. The long wait of restaurants might just ruin or humor your experience. Just giving you friendly advice from the candlelight dinner witch.

Now, the love witch is off to find self-love and self-care and healing from long-lost heartbreaks and grief in order to have that one love she waited all her life for. A hopeless romantic perhaps, whatever your status is, don’t lose hope on being happy and in-love. Regardless of time, age and whatever obstacle, love will see you through.

In a condescending tone, “Happy Valentines, lovelies!”

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