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The Day After

JP Villanueva
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During the Holy Week, we pause, pray and reflect on the passion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. On Maundy Thursday, we remember the institution of the Holy Eucharist when Jesus celebrated his last supper with His disciples. The Washing of the Feet is also done to emphasize the value of humility and service.

On Good Friday, we recall the passion and death of Jesus Christ, from his scourging to the carrying of the cross and to His death on the cross. We venerate the holy cross on this day to recognize that our salvation was borne by the wood of the cross of Christ.

On Black Saturday, we mourn Christ’s death. We stay silent throughout the day until the Easter Vigil in the evening, then the greatest feast of the Church Easter Sunday.

But what happens the day after?


What is the significance of the day after Easter Sunday?

It is like any other ‘the day after’ of special events in life. The day after graduation. The day after the wedding. The day after the interment. The day after giving birth. The day after a long vacation. The day after leaving a job. The day after moving into a new house. The day when all the visitors have left.

The after is usually the time when the hype has mellowed down, when everything has settled in, when we have already had rest, when we have already had time to think. The question that we usually ask is, “WHAT NOW?”

On Easter Sunday, we rejoice that our Lord has triumphed over death. We come out of our mourning and celebrate with great joy and happiness. We light a new fire. We draw new water. We renew our baptismal promises. There are just too many things happening and sometimes, we get overwhelmed. We get “high” with the joy of the celebration.

EASTER MONDAY is the second day of the Eastertide. In the Eastern (Orthodox) Church, it is called “Bright Monday” or “Renewal Monday”. It is when, as children of Easter morning, we start (or restart) our journey as Easter pilgrims, a sort of new beginning. Pilgrims to what, we may ask. Pilgrims all traveling back to our source of life, our creator, that one day when the time comes that we are called from this earthly life, we may be able and worthy to share in our Lord’s resurrection and have eternal life.

That is the beauty of our Liturgical calendar. We celebrate Easter every year. We get to have a chance year after year on Easter Monday, thus the term by the Easter Church, Renewal Monday is just so apt. We get renewed year after year. We are just so blessed that we are given these chances to make new beginnings.

Advance Happy Easter to all!!!

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