- Death’s Hopeful Message - November 6, 2024
- Sir Francis - October 16, 2024
- The Aras - September 11, 2024
‘Unpredictable high winds and misfortunes are in the skies!’
-Chinese Adage
Like a bad Kung Fu movie, duh has become of the Chinese incursion. Their ships roil near our shores. They hose our supply boats, chop stick our fish, thumb nose my heroes. An open grab, if you ask me. An Imperialist dim sum China once claimed they loathed, but only now soaked in soy sauce.
“Chinese Aggression” is what most non-Sino Press call it.
“U Dash Lines” is how they cook it. Hai k’uo t’ien kung, an expanse far and wide, the moon beams, perhaps included. A tongue, that’s it, those U lines! A sticky tongue sopped in Sinocentrist wine. Armed with water cannons and a dummy’s world history guide. An ancient geography map. All Made in, where else.
It starts with what they call the “standardization of geographical names.” Thus, Panganiban Reef is Meiji Jiao, and so on. Thus, by this Confusedshoes logic, a change in name makes rightful a claim.
Then, for good measure, they go on, from a big bullhorn on a big ship’s stern, “You, Pilipiiino…yes, you…away, go…shoo, shoo…you on Pilipin sea…Oooooooooo, soli…we, on Pilipin sea…but you, away…shoo, shoo fast…”
“Or else?” our intrepid PCG reply.
“Huhhh? You knoooow, faaaaaaaast?”
“Or else?” our PCG claps back.
“Ooooo…sooliiii…no hablo español…”
Yummy. More MSG please.
In the face of such BS. Unless we are the irreplaceable Sir Harry Roque, whom Smooth Sal a week back short of accused of being a bigmouth (I beg to disagree) we cannot, in good conscience, be that “discretely” irate. Or be rather that gentlemanly about it.
It’s saying we stand down and not stand up to our own bully. For fear of hurting their feelings. You know, not make them dragons lose face. For Fu’s sake!
Yet, what a shame! There is a sensitive side to the hosing and harassment, after all.
We shouldn’t offend them, says the so-called “chess-playing” patriots (GM Torre must be laughing his pieces off). Because the bully is our friend. Because the bully can do all sorts of damage, intelligence and purse-wise. Because we can’t afford to go to war.
The eminent scholar Sir Harry Roque might gladly wave treatises on international tensions and geopolitics. Perhaps, go as far as Lebensraum, to the swastika shitheads. Monroe Doctrine, to the damn Yankeeees.
Anything’s possible with Sir Harry. He called out a Sitting Lady Senator for her “Treason” mistake, in the heat of defending our dignity and sovereignty. And ‘blamed’ government for its inept handling of an utterly delicate matter, perhaps requiring (wink, wink) his expertise?
“Gross ignorance of the law,” he thundered majestically to Lady Hontiveros. Like a triumphant knight, a laurel wreath/belt round his cute head, with starch-white robes flapping and the high horse’s knees buckling, in the wind.
But how about gross ___________ -icking of the big bully’s qiú(s)?
So, I ain’t sold. How such staunch(?) defender of Human Rights and Philippine Sovereignty ascended into power and never came back down the poor high horse leaves a bad taste in the mouth. More so, since Sir Harry, the Spokesperson, once giddy-yapped, “Clearly, eventually, those artificial islands will be ours if we can ask China to leave.”
Surely, Sir Harry, the eminent scholar and astute observer of global affairs, isn’t that, uhm, naïve?
Still – we speak out loud not to offend. But to defend. Because I am Filipino. Because a bully isn’t a friend. Because a bully isn’t a dragon. Because Defense Secretary Gibo hit bull’s eye on the Chinese Trap. On calling on us not to be remiss in our duties to defend our shores.
China in Chinese is “Zhongguo.” Yup. You heard yourself right.
I might just go there and rename it Shànliáng. And finally, own my piece of land.
Oooooooo, soliiiii. I can’t even afford a Jet Ski’s spare tire, if it required one.
But hiring a Swan Boat in Burnham might just do the trick.